
Thursday, January 3, 2013

MIFlip 2013...BE THERE!

For the past few months, I have had the pleasure of helping plan the first ever Michigan Flipteaching Conference with a number of other Michigan teachers (and one from Cali...thanks Karl).  I realized this week 2 things:

1)  I haven't blogged about it yet.

2)  It's only 2 weeks away...yikes!

So here is what I can tell you so far.  The conference is going to be held on January 19th from 9:00 - 3:00 at Byron Center High School.  It is also 100% FREE!

The day will start out with a keynote from Brian Bennett (who, as an aside, I'm very excited to meet f2f).  After that, we'll have 4 different sessions.

Session 1 - This session will be a little more guided, with topics you can choose from that range from PBL to flipped class 101 to flipped class for veteran teachers, etc.

Session 2 - This session will be EdCamp style, where we'll be getting topics from the if you're coming, bring some ideas with you ;)  If you're not familiar with the EdCamp format, check out this short video from EdCamp Philly.

Session 3 - This will follow the same format as session 2...EdCamp style

Session 4 - For our final session we thought we'd do another session of "topics" you can choose from.  These will all be content specific.  I'll be talking flipped classroom from an elementary perspective, but there will be math, science, social studies, english and even administration covered in the last session.

To wrap up the day, we'll hand out some door prizes, give away some swag, etc.

In addition to the sessions that will be running all day, Techsmith will also be available to help with screencasting.

All-in-all it is going to be a most excellent day of learning & fun, so if you're in Michigan on January 19th, please join us!

To register, or for more information, please check out our website:

Also...spread the word!  We want to make our first MIFlip Conference a success!

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